Sample Schedules (Examples below are for Molecular and Cell Biology + Haas)

Sample A Sample Schedule

First Year

Fall  Units Spring  Units
Math 1A 4 Math 1B 4
Chem 1A 3 Chem 3A 3
Chem 1AL 2 Chem 3AL 2
R1A 4 UGBA 10X 3
Breadth 3-4 R1B 4
Intro to Biotech 2
Total: 16-17 Total: 18

Second Year

Fall  Units Spring  Units
Econ 1 4 Stat 20 4
Chem 3B 3 Bio 1A 3
Chem 3BL 2 Bio 1AL 2
Physics 8A 4 Physics 8B 4
Breadth 3-4 Breadth 3-4
Total: 16-17 Total: 16-17

Sample B Sample Schedule

First Year

Fall  Units Spring  Units
Math 1A         4                      Math 1B 4                  
R1A 4 R1B 4
UGBA 10X 3 Chem 1A 3
Breadth 3-4 Chem 1AL 2
Bio 1B 4 Econ 2 4
Intro to Biotech 2
Total: 18-19 Total: 19

Second Year

Fall  Units Spring  Units
Chem 3A      3                    Chem 3B        3                 
Chem 3AL 2 Chem 3BL 2
Bio 1A 3 Physics 8A 4
Bio 1AL 2 Stat 20 4
Breadth 3-4 Breadth 3-4
Breadth 3-4
Total: 16-18 Total: 16-17

Sample C Sample Schedule

First Year

Fall  Units Spring  Units
Math 1B                4               R1B                       4              
Chem 1A 3 Chem 3A 3
Chem 1AL 2 Chem 3AL 2
Breadth 3-4 UGBA 10X 3
Breadth 3-4 Breadth 3-4
Intro to Biotech 2
Total: 15-17 Total: 18

Second Year

Fall  Units Spring  Units
Bio 1A 3 Chem 3B 3
Bio 1AL 2 Chem 3BL 2
Data 8 4 Data C88S 3
Physics 8A 4 Econ 1 4
Breadth 3-4 Breadth 3-4
Total: 16-17 Total: 15-16

A four-year plan of study can be reviewed here. Please note that these schedules are samples and do not represent the only way to complete course requirements. Meet with an advisor to begin course planning as soon as possible.

For Integrative Biology and Neuroscience schedules, please see the Academic Planning Sheet.